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Digital Landscape

Technology has become an essential component of our lives. The following brief explores the digital landscape within the United States and across the world, as well as what governments and individuals can do to advance the social and economic benefits of technology. What is the best way to build digital infrastructure? What about the world’s population that still lacks Internet access? Will new technologies impact how businesses and governments function? What are the technological implications for education, healthcare, or privacy rights?

Economic Growth

Economic growth is the increase in what a country produces, particularly the amount of goods and services, over time. Economic growth all over the world has exploded in the last two and a half centuries. This dramatic growth has brought unprecedented opportunity, health and happiness to people across the globe.

How did this happen and how can we continue this surge in opportunity? This brief covers how economic growth impacts society, key economic indicators that track growth, what roles the government and the private sector play, the current state of our economy, and a discussion of economic policy ideas that could enhance our nation and the world.

State Specific Information: Wisconsin
Part of the Conversation Series: The Business Series

Education Innovation- The Future of the Classroom

Innovation in education involves leveraging technology to enhance learning experiences and create more personalized and accessible education opportunities. To keep pace in our ever-changing world, educational practices must continue to evolve. This Brief gives an overview of the latest innovative practices in education and demonstrates the types of policies and practices that can encourage more of it.

Education Savings Accounts

What would you do if your child was not thriving in his or her school environment? What if you could use the money your state sets aside for him or her to tailor a better educational fit? Vouchers, Education Savings Accounts, and Tax-credit scholarships allow the flexibility of choice for parents facing this dilemma. What exactly are they and how do they work?

Education: K-12

Education is the pathway to a productive life. All people need basic literacy, math skills, and knowledge of the world around them to function in today’s society and to be informed citizens. But despite increased spending, our educational outcomes as a nation are stagnant. How can the U.S. education system better prepare young people for their adulthood and careers? This brief gives an overview of the major topics within K-12 education and some ideas for reform with the goal of every student having access to an education that equips them with the knowledge and skills they need to be self-reliant and successful in the 21st century.

State Specific Information: Wisconsin
Part of the Conversation Series: The Community Series

Election Processes & Innovations

In a democracy, the government derives authority from the consent of the electorate. Holding elections and exercising the right to vote are essential to democracy. Many laws and rules govern the people and resources involved in campaigns and voting to make sure elections are competitive and inclusive. This brief will focus on election basics and ways to ensure free, fair, and secure elections.

Part of the Conversation Series: The Active Citizenship Series

Energy and the Environment

The goal of energy that is reliable, resilient, affordable, and not detrimental to the environment is straightforward, but has not been so easy to reach. Can we achieve all four simultaneously when it comes to energy policy and the environment? What is the current situation and how did we get here? And what energy policy best balances meeting our energy needs while being responsible stewards of the world’s resources?

Deep Dives: Water and Power
Part of the Conversation Series: The 2023 Series

Failing Grade: Literacy in America

In the United States, 54% of American adults read below the equivalent of a sixth-grade level, and nearly one in five adults reads below a third-grade level. Lower literacy rates directly correlate to higher unemployment rates, reduced income, and overall impacts U.S. competitiveness on the global stage. Understanding both K-12 literacy rates as well as adult literacy rates at a local level is critical to improve overall literacy policy and drive access to literacy programming.

Part of the Conversation Series: The 2023 Series

Financial Literacy

Money is a commodity we deal with every single day and is essential for everyone. It brings context as a measurement of value to the goods, services, and resources that we have, need, and give. And yet, money is often discussed in hushed tones, if it is discussed at all. Limited discussion and opportunities to learn about money may result in a lack of basic financial knowledge and management skills, known as financial literacy. Financial literacy is key to understanding both our tangible and intangible assets so we can best manage our finances and ourselves.

Part of the Conversation Series: Personal Finance Series

Foreign Policy: Asia Pacific

U.S. foreign policy towards activities in the Asia Pacific region has vital national security, diplomatic, and economic implications for the U.S. Read on to learn more about our allies and security challenges, and the strategic goals and implications of U.S. foreign policy in Asia, in particular with respect to China and North Korea.

Deep Dives: Trade and Tariffs
Part of the Conversation Series: The World View Series

Foreign Policy: The Middle East

The U.S. has long served as a pillar of global security and stability, promoting democracy and prosperity and opposing human rights abuses and repressive rogue regimes. Read on for more about the specific national security threats that face the U.S. in the Middle East, a region that has long been a cornerstone of U.S. foreign policy, and home to both some of our most important allies and most pressing challenges.

Part of the Conversation Series: The World View Series

Free Enterprise & Economic Freedom

The free-enterprise system is the only system that has been proven to create opportunities for everyone, even the most vulnerable. This brief is a compilation of foundational work helpful for understanding and articulating the power of free markets and individual freedom in unleashing what human creativity can accomplish in a free market economy.

Part of the Conversation Series: The Business Series The Foundational Series