Education is the pathway to a productive life. All people need basic literacy, math skills, and knowledge of the world around them to function in today’s society and be informed citizens. But despite increased spending, our educational outcomes as a nation are stagnant.
How well is the US educational system preparing young people for successful adulthoods and careers? What changes are needed to make the system perform this vital task better?
This month, The Policy Circle has updated its brief on K-12 Education, providing members the latest statistics and information on the various issues within our education system as well as ideas for reform. Issues such as funding, teacher and student performance and access to schools that best fit a child’s educational needs plague the education system. Policies that reflect better transparency, flexibility, accessibility and accountability can transform the education system to ensure students are prepared for life beyond the classroom. Read more here.
A thriving entrepreneurial economy depends upon an educated workforce, which is why workforce readiness is a major theme at the September 6-7, 2018, Policy Circle Leadership Summit in Chicago. Read the Education: K -12 brief and sign up for this one of kind of
For more information and to register for the Policy Circle Leadership Summit, click here. Space is limited – register today!
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The Policy Circle is a 501(c)3 that provides a fact-based, nonpartisan framework built to inspire women living in the same community to connect, learn about and discuss economic policies that impact their lives. Women across the nation are taking a leadership role in the public policy dialogue on what human creativity can accomplish in an open economy.