Elections are Happening in March?

By The Policy Circle Team

Although it’s not a presidential election year, there is plenty at stake in the 2018 midterms. Think immigration, education and healthcare. We inherently know that elections impact policy. Look no further than the recent tax reforms passed by Congress.

And when it comes to having a direct influence on public policy, few actions are more significant than choosing who will run in the general election. By getting involved early in the political process, you have greater chance of affecting the outcome.

But how do you do this? By exercising your election muscles and participating in a primary. These earlier elections allow voters to choose which candidates will appear on the ballot come November 6.

And primary season has begun! The first primaries of 2018 took place in Texas this past week.

Visit the National Conference of State Legislature’s page here for the full list of 2018 primaries to see if there’s one happening soon in your state.

Your primary vote is particularly influential because primaries generally see a lower level of voter participation. The number of primary voters in 2016 almost surpassed the historical high primary turnout in 2008 (Pew Research Center). But it was still less than 30% of all voters! This means you have an outsized opportunity to influence policy by being part of the candidate selection process in the primary, before most other voters participate.

There are so many ways you can exert your influence in a primary election:

  • Find out who the candidates are. Ballotpedia is a great resource to learn more about who is running to represent you.
  • Know your priorities. There isn’t a perfect candidate. So you need to know what you value the most in terms of principles and policy positions. In a world of media spin, you need to define your filter. Is it reining in the reach of government regulations, is it fiscal responsibility or is it fostering an open economy?
  • Meet the candidates. Primaries are a fantastic way to engage with state and local candidates. Remember you’re one of the 15% of all voters who will vote in this primary election, so meeting with your candidates is very impactful.

And, while you’re looking up your primary and general election information, review and discuss The Policy Circle’s Election Integrity brief. Learn about the electoral process to be inspired to play an role to ensure its integrity.

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The Policy Circle is a 501(c)3 that provides a fact-based, nonpartisan framework built to inspire women living in the same community to connect, learn about and discuss economic policies that impact their lives.  Women across the nation are taking a leadership role in the public policy dialogue on what human creativity can accomplish in an open economy.