Learn about the issues

The Policy Circle is a non partisan 501(c)(3), cultural organization that seeks to build a grassroots network of “circles” for women to meet and learn from each other by coming prepared to participate in a roundtable discussion on key public policy issues.  Believing that limited government and a thriving entrepreneurial economy create the best opportunities for everyone, we are starting conversations to change the conversation.

Learn from each other? Tell me more.

Policy Circle members meet in small groups or circles for conversation about public policy and how it affects their communities, their states and the nation.   Using the Socratic method, Policy Circle members learn from one another by discussing fact-based Policy Briefs about a wide range of issues.

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click to see full brief

Comprehensive Policy Briefs around the issues of Economic Growth, Taxes, Healthcare, Education, Higher Education, Fiscal Responsibility have been developed and more are on the way.  (We agree to a truce on social issues that can be divisive and distracting.)

Partnerships with respected think tanks provide state-level facts about the issues and the state-wide effects of federal mandates.  Policy Circle members have access to all of the Policy Briefs and the ability to actively engage with other members in their circle, their state and across the country via our private website.

Policy Circles tend to meet the second week of every other month except July (e.g., the second Tuesdays of January, March, May, September and November) and follow a suggested list of discussion topics with corresponding Policy Briefs.  This timing is coordinated across Circles, making it easier for members to plan their attendance ahead of time and to enable new content and special events to be launched in a timely manner (for example a Skype session with leading policy makers).  If your community is faced with a critical issue, your circle can certainly choose to discuss that topic in place of or in addition to the planned topic.