IN THE LOOP – August 2022

In The Loop focuses on courageous members of The Policy Circle who are making an impact in their communities through civic engagement.
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Member Spotlight: Dawn Lang

From CLER To The Campaign Trail

Business owner, wife, mother of three, and CLER graduate Dawn Lang is running for her local school board in Fishers, Indiana.
Dawn was invited by a friend to join The Policy Circle in 2019. Now, she credits The Policy Circle with providing her with the framework and policy knowledge she needs to take action in her community.
“If you really want to affect change, you have to get at the policy level to do it. You need an understanding of how legislation works at the local, state, and national levels…all of those things matter. That’s what The Policy Circle has really helped me get clarity on.”
Dawn took her leadership journey to the next level by participating in the three-month Civic Leadership Engagement Roadmap. CLER 1.0: Founding Principles & Local Government is a virtual program that includes:
– 1-1 coaching
– Policy Circle Roundtables
– Assignments that require interaction with local leaders; and
– Ongoing networking with civic-minded women from all over the U.S.
Having worked for over 20 years with various Fortune 500s and startups, Dawn is no stranger to hard work and challenges. Yet, she attributes her confidence to run for school board to CLER.
“CLER gave me motivation and increased my curiosity to sit in on board meetings, council meetings, and policy meetings with local and state legislators. I became more investigative in my listening and came away from these meetings with a confidence that I could run for office.”
While Dawn was initially motivated by the direct impact the school board’s decisions have on her child, she has broadened and strengthened her mission  — to help be part of solutions for her entire community.
“Education influences the workforce, which influences our economy and drives the engine behind our financial sustainability as a city and even a state… It’s bigger than a school.”
What’s next for Dawn? She is currently enrolled in CLER 2.0: State & Federal Government and already submitted her application for CLER 3.0: Education. Learn about how you can join the inaugural CLER 3.0: Education cohort this fall here.


That’s Dawn’s Story, What’s Yours?

We are proud of Dawn and want to share more stories from our courageous, problem-solving members around the country.
Are you a catalyst for community impact?
Your story could be the spark that ignites others to take action. Please share with us by email us at [email protected].



Here are some reasons to join the next CLER cohorts:
– You want to get more involved in your community, but aren’t sure where or how to start.
– You want to know who the decision-makers are in your town and build relationships with them.
– You want to deepen your understanding of the U.S. Constitution and need to brush up on the basics of legislative processes.
– You want to learn from other civic-minded women and be part of a national community of positive, principle leaders.
If this resonates with you, learn more about CLER and apply for the next cohorts. Enrollment ends on August 15th.


The Policy Circle is a 501 (c)(3), nonpartisan organization that informs and equips women to be impactful civic leaders. We focus on facts – not politics.
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