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The Policy Circle is excited to launch a Move the Needle Virtual Experience series focused on the implications of free speech in our society today. These virtual programs will be moderated by The Policy Circle’s Executive Director, Stacy Blakeley, and will feature leading experts on censorship, big tech, data privacy and digital security.
Please join us on Wednesday, March 24, 12 PM CT for the first conversation in our series: Big Tech Tightrope: Balancing Free Speech, Privacy & Innovation. We’ll be joined by Steve DelBianco, President of NetChoice, Rebecca MacKinnon, Founding Director of Ranking Digital Rights, and Jillian York, Director of International Freedom of Expression at Electronic Frontier Foundation.
What we’ll cover:
- The fundamentals of free speech on social media and how big tech companies control these platforms
- Public policy reforms for big tech companies and what they mean for you or your business
- How to better educate ourselves when using social media