Did you miss the call?

By The Policy Circle Team

“How do we ensure people don’t take advantage of entitlement programs?”   

“What are other ways to ensure solvency of entitlement programs beyond the current workforce?”

These are the thought-provoking questions Policy Circle women asked during the townhall call launching its latest brief on Entitlements.

The Policy Circle’s president and co-founder, Sylvie Légère Ricketts, and experts from the American Enterprise Institute and the Manhattan Institute, joined The Policy Circle’s editor, Kristin Jackson, for a discussion and question and answer session around current entitlement programs and reforms.

Did you miss the call? The recording and policy brief on Entitlements is available online. You will hear the wide-ranging dialogue with experts Andrew Biggs (AEI) and Brian Riedl (Manhattan Institute).

The Policy Circle features the “Ins and Outs of Economics” conversation themes during April, so be sure to plan a discussion around the Entitlement brief this month.

Interested in joining the next call? Start your own Policy Circle today for access to membership benefits and be part of a growing network of women engaged in public policy!


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The Policy Circle is a 501(c)3 that provides a fact-based, nonpartisan framework built to inspire women living in the same community to connect, learn about and discuss economic policies that impact their lives.  Women across the nation are taking a leadership role in the public policy dialogue on what human creativity can accomplish in an open economy.