St. Louis Policy Circles Make Headlines

By The Policy Circle Team

St. Louis Policy Circles put their conversations to work by hosting a community forum so citizens could ask questions about a proposed City-County merger.   The St. Louis Dispatch on May 2, 2019 noted, “Policy Circle Leaders and Members hosted a community forum to learn about the City-County merger proposal.”  Co-hosts included “Paraquad, and featured Molly Dwyer from Better Together, Tom Schneider, former mayor of Florissant and representing the Municipal League of Metro St. Louis and Tracey Hyatt Bosman, business consultant and Policy Circle Leader.”

Many aspects of the proposal were covered, including tax policy and its impact on economic development, the municipal court system, and the statewide ballot measure in 2020. ”

Visit The Policy Circle website to read the full news article.

This is just another great example of Policy Circles taking the next step.  Share stories of how your Circle is putting your conversations to work by posting highlights on your Circle’s web-page.