Introducing The Policy Circle Playbook

By The Policy Circle Team

272 Circles.  40 States. 3 international countries

Recently, the Policy Circle launched a second international circle in Tunisia, in addition to circles in Egypt and Lebanon.  The Tunisia Policy Circle is now part of that country’s conversation, helping to educate women about how their voices can shape their country and their lives. This Circle Leader, a professor of economics,  is using her expertise and The Policy Circle framework and library of Policy Briefs, to discuss and shape economic policy proposals put forward by current candidates. 

Our national network of women dedicated to learning the facts about issues our families and communities deal with everyday is growing. Through these facts and conversations women become more knowledgeable and confident in their voices. This naturally translates into us becoming stronger advocates for the issues that matter most. With continued interest, involvement and support, we will continue to encourage women to learn about the importance of public policy on our free enterprise system and become influencers in their community.

As the Policy Circle continues to grow nationally and internationally, online support for Circle Leaders in launching their circles becomes even more important. The Policy Circle recently published  The Policy Circle  Playbook for current and prospective Circle Leaders. This online resource guide will serve as a roadmap for Circle Leaders taking them through the process of setting up their circle, planning the first conversation and inviting members, selecting a brief to discuss, and facilitating the discussion. 

In addition, a new conversation tool kit is available to Circle Leaders that will help them start their Circle with confidence. Current Circle Leaders can earn their tool kit by scheduling a conversation in October with Judi Willard, or new Circle Leaders can earn it by scheduling a walk-thru of your Circle page . Contact Judi at  

Thank you to all the Circle Leaders who are telling us about their meetings through posting in the Recap section of their circle page. Through the feedback from these recaps, we are able to see patterns in issues of interest and engagement from members. The Policy Circle relies on this self-reporting tool to help us build the stories of impact around circle interactions.

Circle conversations are leading to action and impact.  Recommend a circle leader today and join us at the 2019 Annual Policy Circle Summit November 15th.