The Power of Stories: What’s Yours?

Stories are the most powerful way to share an idea or gain support.  Stories based on facts, demonstrating the intended or unintended consequence of a policy, are memorable, convincing and impactful.   We all know people that have mastered the art of storytelling, but in fact, there is a science to storytelling.  “When we are being told a story, Not only are the language processing parts in our brain activated, but any other area in our brain that we would use when experiencing the events of the story are too.“  Stories help listeners remember your message and adopt it as their own.  

The Policy Circle understands the power of stories to help us understand, digest, and persuade.  Our Policy Briefs often contain case studies so that the abstract can become real for the reader.

As 2018 draws to a close, we want to gather your stories for our Policy Circle annual recap.  Tell us how you have grown in 2018 from your involvement in The Policy Circle. Help us tell our collective story by sharing yours.  A few members took the time this past month to share how The Policy Circle has impacted the way they think, talk or act.  Some of the comments they shared:

  • I had a new perspective going into the polling booth, because I had a better understanding of the issues and felt I was a more informed voter.
  • My circle has members with different political perspectives. It was so refreshing to have a discussion with people who wanted to make the United States a better country and who didn’t worry about party lines. My circle members found common ground in wanting to learn the facts first.
  • I feel more confident bringing up public policy content and holding my ground in discussions because I have facts to support my argument.
  • A family conversation over the Supreme Court hearing process with my children started off very  tense. But when we started just laying out the facts, what the Senate committee had the power and authority to do, and what they actions they had taken  — the discussion calmed and became so much more constructive.

Help us tell The Policy Circle story by sharing yours.  


It’s a movement!

Recommend a Circle Leader.  Especially in Georgia, California, Wisconsin, and Michigan, Kansas and Arizona where circles are sprouting.

Start a Circle in your community. Your community may be your profession or your neighborhood, or both. The Policy Circle is a simple way to practice the language of leaders with the facts and the space to be at ease with weighing in on the impact of policy.   

Invest in The Policy Circle. Together let’s build a network of women who want to be part of the dialogue on the impact of policy in their lives.  

The Policy Circle is a 501(c)3 that provides a fact-based, nonpartisan framework built to inspire women living in the same community to connect, learn about and discuss economic policies that impact their lives.  Women across the nation are taking a leadership role in the public policy dialogue on what human creativity can accomplish in an open economy.