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What’s The Latest at The Policy Circle

Read here about how the issues we face today can be addressed with public policies that foster human creativity in a free-market economy.

Jun 3, 2016

“The Fiscal Ship”: Balance the Federal Budget with Your Kids!

This interactive game , created by the Wilson Center and the Hutchins Center on Fiscal and Monetary Policy at The Brookings Institute, allows you to choose from a variety of priorities (taxes, national security, entitlement reform, etc), and fiscal policies, then see the impact of your choices on the budget and our national debt. The easy interface and real-world policy options make it an easy but educational way […]

May 28, 2016

Ending the School Year on a Hopeful Note: The 74’s Profile of Buffalo Schools

The 74 Million  is a non-profit, non-partisan news site, launched by Campbell Brown, that covers education in America and the crises facing the public education system. The site, named for the 74 million children in America, features reporting that exposes corruption and inequality and highlights positive changes to American schools. Recently, the 74  had an uplifting profile […]

May 13, 2016

Addressing the Four Types of Poverty in America

This month many circles are discussing the new brief on “ Poverty in America “.  To begin to understand and address this complex issue, we need to start by framing the problem (even in an imperfect way!).  This overview of four categories of poverty  includes the factors and circumstances that cause poverty, and the types of individuals and families who […]

May 13, 2016

Policy Circle Co-Founder Angela Braly Featured in Indianapolis Monthly!

Indianapolis Monthly features  co-founder Angela Braly:  “Braly’s New Nonprofit, The Policy Circle, Aims to Put More Women in Power” Click here to read the full article. We’re thrilled to share that The Policy Circle co-founder Angela Braly was recently featured in Indianapolis Monthly! In the interview, Angela discusses her role in starting The Policy Circle, and the founders’ […]

May 10, 2016

New Circles and Great Conversation

“Poverty is a complex problem and the number of Americans living in poverty has increased over many decades despite a dramatic increase in government spending through programs intended to reduce poverty. One attendee compared poverty to an onion which has many layers that have to be peeled away to get to the root causes.” – […]